Sci-Fi Delegation: A Great Success

Hello everyone,

This year’s visit to Nanae by the CCHS Sci-Fi Club was tremendously successful, and here’s some visual proof!

Check out Dr. David Nurenberg’s blog documenting the Sci-Fi trip around Japan:

You can also view a compilation of Dr. Nurenberg’s and my photos in the photo gallery, an alternate set of photos exclusively on our Facebook Page (, and in a new Flickr Collection (

We are still working on uploading a series of interviews with student members of the recent Sci-Fi delegation to Nanae. They will be available on the new Sister Schools page (password protected), and a select few will also be published here on the home page.

Stay tuned!
-The CIR

Science-Fiction and Agriculture: Concord Delegation Finalized for April 2012

By Ben Mirin, CIR

In place of this week’s episode of “Sister Cities,” I bring you an exciting update (the import of which should explain why there will also be no Sister Cities episode on Friday, April 13th, but look for more delegation updates around that time!):

This week, Nanae’s International Relations section has finalized the schedule for its next official delegation visit from Concord. Arriving on April 10th, 30 Concord delegates will tour Nanae (and the nearby city of Hakodate), home-stay with local Nanae families, and attend various cultural events organized specifically for their four-day stay.

This upcoming delegation has a central focus, since 25 of its 30 members will represent the Concord-Carlisle High School Science-Fiction Club. Led by CCHS English teacher and Sister School Coordinator Dr. David Nurenburg, this will be the Club’s second time making an official visit to the Japanese sister city, after a groundbreaking trip in 2009. (click for photos)

Concord’s delegation will also consist of Concord-Carlisle Librarian Robin Chichetti, Concord translator Junko Kargula, Concord-Carlisle Nurse Cary Bestor Williams, and the delegation leader, Concord-Carlisle Vice-Principal Dr. Alan Weinstein. Collectively, their visit will sustain a 15-year tradition of April delegations from Concord to Nanae. It will also mark 2 years of a healthy sister school relationship between Concord-Carlisle and Nanae High Schools, poignantly, at a time when the Japanese school year is just beginning. Continue reading “Science-Fiction and Agriculture: Concord Delegation Finalized for April 2012”