Impressions of CCHS: Nanae HS English Club

By Ben Mirin, CIR, on and via Qik Live video

Last Friday, I showed this movie (in Japanese) to this year’s English Club at Nanae High School.  Produced by Nanae student delegates who visited Concord in 2010, the movie documents Japanese middle- and high-school student observations about Concord-Carlisle High School, where the delegates spent a week attending classes, touring the campus, and experiencing American high school life.

After showing the movie I asked our English Club students to identify differences they noticed in the video between CCHS and their own NHS.

If you’re a Concord student and you’ve been to Nanae, post some of your reactions after reading in the comment section below, or post them on our Facebook Page ! What was different about Nanae High School from CCHS?

Here’s what the Nanae students said:

Takanori Abe (2nd-year student, Class 2, 2011 Band Delegate to Concord):

It’s interesting that the bell at CCHS marks the end of class.  I was very surprised.  In Japan, the bell marks the start of class.

Chinami Takada (1st-year student), Akira Kimura (1st-year student, Class 3), & Shiori Wada (3rd-year student):

There is a big cafeteria in CCHS, but we have no cafeteria in our high school.  Students in Concord also have no school uniform, just like university students in Japan.

Ayu Kosugi (3rd-year student):

Students in Concord can use computers freely at any time.  We cannot.

Generally, I think CCHS is bigger than Nanae High School.

Chiaki Date (3rd-year student):

There are MANY lockers at CCHS.  We don’t use lockers at Nanae High School.

I think students in Concord feel free, but there are many school rules in my high school.

Kasumi Nakamura (2nd-year student, Class 1) and Mao Hosokawa (3rd-year student):

The library is huge at CCHS, and there are so many books.  The bookshelves aren’t very tall.

But there are many books!

Mirai Tamura (2nd-year student, 2011 Nanae Band Delegate to Concord):

The computer room is very wide.  Also, the fruit in the cafeteria is delicious!

Erina Hanada & Airi Osada (3rd-year students, Class 3):

I think the pizza in Concord is BIG! I’m very surprised by that.  In Japan, the pizza is very small.

Ai Kanamura (3rd-year student, English Club Student Leader):

At CCHS you may eat during class.  In Japan, you may not eat during class, ever!

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2 Replies to “Impressions of CCHS: Nanae HS English Club”

  1. Congratulations on completing your series of videos from the trip to Concord. They were all great. It was a wonderful week and you captured it so those of us who were there could happily relive it and those who were not part of it could get a good feel for the variety of experiences that took place. You were very creative in both your shooting and editing. I had no idea one could do such sophisticated editing with i-movie. Great work.

    1. Thanks, Tom! We actually used Final Cut Studio for these, but it took a lot of trial and error to make use of the countless tools available in that program. Glad you liked the result.

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