Skiing in Niseko

By Ben Mirin, CIR

Call me spoiled, but I recently tried skiing for the first time in Niseko, Hokkaido, one of the world’s premier skiing destinations.  Residents throughout Japan migrate to this spot every winter to take advantage of the incredible snow, and perhaps to mingle with the plethora of foreign tourists that congregate there almost year round.

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One Reply to “Skiing in Niseko”

  1. Dear Ben,

    The pictures of you and you skiing are great!

    As you have probably heard, we were subject to a pretty wild blizzard starting sunday afternoon and continuing through Monday. We only got about ten inches of snow, but others were as high as twenty-four inches. On top of that there were some nineteen thousand people in Massachusetts without power this morning. Not in Concord though! Keep up the great work! An early Happy New year of the Rabbit.

    P.S, Betty Ann is a dragon and I am a snake….

    All our best,

    Betty Ann and Rick

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