What about the BIG Stuff? (Japanese Trash Disposal Part 2)

By Ben Mirin, CIR

Camera operator: Emi Kimura

Thanks for your feedback (via various channels) on last week’s video about Japanese methods for recycling and trash disposal.  Here is a response to some of the questions I received.

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One Reply to “What about the BIG Stuff? (Japanese Trash Disposal Part 2)”

  1. Hi, Ben!
    Again, good job! It looks cold, isn`t it?

    This time you talk about trashes that are big or heavy for trash station.
    Your talk got faster in this video, especially last 1 min on the car.
    So I can only understand a part.
    Next time , please talk a little bit slower for me.
    At last , thank you for your good job.

    Hajime Sugiyama

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